Sunday, October 24, 2010

7th RTF Blog Post: Serial Features in TV Sitcoms

       In today’s TV shows, there are specific features for the different types of television programs (series, serial, and episodic). A serial show tells a story that develops over a period of time, which requires sequential viewing to make sure the viewer doesn’t miss anything. For serial shows, the characters tend to be more complicated and dynamic; their stories are told throughout the entire season(s). The plot is also not always predictable. Unlike episodic shows (such as House or Family Guy), serial does not follow a pattern (i.e. problem in the beginning; solution at the end). Every episode brings new problems and, sometimes, new characters.
       An example would be the TV series, LOST. LOST contains very complex characters and tells a story over time. The end of every episode leaves you more confused than the one before, but gets you closer to understanding the plot. It tells the story of several strangers who survived a plane crash on an island. Over time, the characters’ stories unfold and the viewers realize that there is more to the island than previously thought. Overall, each episode tells a story, but the episodes together tell a bigger story.

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