Sunday, September 19, 2010

2nd RTF Blog Post: Social Learning

Society has become accustomed to follow the ideas that the media sets through social learning. We feed off of what television, radio, and newspapers promote. For example, teen pregnancies have become more common ever since movies like Juno appeared in theaters.
Social learning is the idea that society follows trends that the media and peers set. People learn through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviors.  Learned behaviors are then perceived as the social norm. As a few start the trend, the rest begin to follow, mimicking the actions that are seen in media, society, etc.
The concept of getting pregnant while a girl is underage has always been frowned upon in the past. However, since the movie Juno came out in theaters, society has praised this movie for its comedic performances and has, somewhat, gotten over the fact that teen pregnancies are a big deal. Now more than ever, the number of underage girls getting pregnant has risen, which shows that society follows the “trend” that Juno and other pregnant teen shows through social learning.

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