Overall, I enjoyed the experience of using a blog for the RTF 305 course. Being a first-year at UT, this is my first time ever using one in class. The use of a blog helped me research on a topic or term that may not have been fully covered in class to gain more knowledge of it. However if we were to be given more time to do do the assignments, it would help to better prepare for it.
Initially, I had trouble adding pictures and posting links, but once we discussed the steps on setting it up during Jeremiah's TA session, I pretty much got hang of it right away. The most interesting blog prompts were the ones that asked us to give us our own opinions on certain terms while adding our own proof of that idea (i.e. a video, picture, etc). The less interesting ones were the ones where we basically all wrote the same content on a certain topic.
I would definitely recommend using a blog in future courses, either in RTF 305 or other undergraduate courses at UT Austin because it definitely gives students the opportunity to do more hands-on work. They not only showed our perspectives but the fact that we were able to view others blogs helped as well.
Overall, I would recommend that the topics of the blogs be presented in the syllabus or at least with more time to give students a better chance of completing the blog post.
Yes you can use my blog in a paper or report.